Klaus Bernhardt:
From TV journalist
to the reformer of psychotherapy 

From 1992 to 2012, Klaus Bernhardt produced over 1,000 TV reports and 46 documentaries. The focus of his work was on medical and scientific topics, but he also produced many contributions for popular TV formats such as Raus aus den Schulden (RTL) or Galileo (Pro7). 

In 2010, Klaus Bernhardt founded  arztwissen.tv , one of the first purely online-based TV channels on the subject of health. His goal was to make complicated medical issues more understandable for laypeople and to make this knowledge accessible free of charge. During this time, he also began to deal intensively with the topic of brain research. 

In doing so, he had to realize again and again that many neuroscientific findings had still not found their way into everyday psychotherapeutic work, even years after their discovery. The more he became familiar with the subject, the more unbearable it became for him to think that many people with mental illnesses could actually be helped much more quickly and sustainably if, for example, the neuroplasticity of the brain were taken more into account in psychotherapeutic procedures. 

When two very important people in his life became ill with an anxiety disorder, he no longer wanted to stand idly by. He trained himself as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy and subsequently completed several further psychotherapeutic training courses. In 2013, he became a member of the Academy for Neuroscientific Education Management AFNB in order to have permanent access to the latest findings in brain research. Based on the latest neuroscientific discoveries, he then spent 3 years developing a new form of anxiety therapy, now known as the Bernhardt Method